
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Deciphering the Pieces

Decisions decisions.

Growing up, it seems easy to picture life as a puzzle. And with every step of the way, you fill in another piece. Easy peazy, as my coworker would say. What I didn't realize is that instead of life being one of those 10-piece puzzles for children, it's actually a 500-piece monstrosity. You know, one of those puzzles that seems like a good idea when you pull the box out. But then, you realize you're only half-way through and all you have left is the sky. 

Finish high school - corner pieces all found. 
Finish college - border done. 
Now comes the hard part... the decision of where to go from there. That is exactly where I am in my life. I finished college. Now I get to choose what I would like to do. But what happens when I'm given endless possibilities? I am unable to choose any of them. The amount of directions that I can choose from seems overwhelming. If I knew my dream job or had the perfect way to spend my life figured out, I would be going after that full force. Instead, I'm stuck trying to rack my brain regularly to find some profession that I would want to dedicate my time and energy and life to. During this time, I find myself clinging to the things I do know.

These are a couple things that I know:

I know that I want to do big things.
I know that I want to live in the suburbs.
I know that I want to work with people.
I know that I never want to live an hour from my job ever again. 
I know that I want to travel. 
I know that I want to be a good friend. 
I know that I want to make my family, friends, and boyfriend proud.
And [most importantly] I know that God will never leave me or forsake me.

While these may seem meaningless to everyone else and somewhat of a random grouping of thoughts, these truths stick with me and ground me in a way. I don't have much figured out. But in a sense, that's okay. God is molding me to rely solely on Him. Its almost like I keep finding pieces of the puzzle that I recognize. They just don't have a place yet. Someday, I will figure it out. Someday, my puzzle will start to become more clear.

You may be asking yourself Why is Catherine rambling on about a puzzle and truths? I am convinced that I am not the only one going through this weird time in life... mostly because I've already talked to at least four people this week having these same thoughts. What I really want people to hear is that this is completely normal and completely OKAY. Take your time, think about what you want. Cling to your truths. Have patience. Did I mention have patience? You are not alone. Pinky promise!

Jeremiah 29:11-13


P.S. Find some wonderful people and don't let them go. See below for some of my wonderful people. [emphasis on some :)]

I love him.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Lessons from the Unknown

May 2012, I graduated from Boston University with a degree in History with a focus in European culture surrounding the two World Wars. I know what you're thinking... Oh, so you want to teach? Actually, the truth is that after four years of taking classes, I didn't really know what direction I wanted to go in. It has now been nine months since I walked across a tiny stage with my fellow history graduates and accepted my diploma. It has been nine months since I was thrust into what people refer to as "the real world". And you know what? I still don't know what I want to do. What I did not realize for about six months is that not knowing is totally and completely okay. Is it unnerving? Yes. Is it normal? Absolutely. In actuality, being in the unknown has pushed me to grow more than ever before. I had to accept that this stage is a necessary chapter in my life. 

1. WORK HARD. Whatever you're doing - whether it is serving coffee, managing a huge company, or answering phones - find pride in working hard. [Colossians 3:23 says "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men..."]. Honestly, I do not love my job. However, I strive to work hard. It creates a sense of meaning that might not have been there before. This doesn't mean that I leave my job every day whistling and jumping for joy. Most days, I'm exhausted. But I know that I have done my best.

2. HOLD ON TO THOSE WHO LOVE YOU. I don't know about anyone else, but when I'm overwhelmed and confused or feel left out in the slightest, my first reaction is to shut down. But after a couple months of doing that and realizing that it was hurting everyone [including me], I decided to open up. When you're in the unknown, cling to your loved ones with all your strength. Tell them you're scared and anxious and annoyed. Whether they have the right words to say or just a hug to give, you need them. Humble yourself! That was mostly for me :)

3. FIND A HOBBY. When you're working 40 hours a week and pretty busy the other hours too, find at least one thing that is just for you. I have taken up baking and crocheting. Two things I immensely enjoy. Two things that do not require that much brainpower. Two things that I can see pretty immediate results for. Two things that make me happy. Find one hobby... or two, three. It doesn't matter. Just find something that will make you happy.

4. BE JOYFUL ALWAYS. This one was my biggest lesson. I was miserable for a solid couple months - going through the motions and stuck in my own self-pity. Believe me, self-pity gets old real quick. But with lots of prayer, lots of advice, and lots of tears, I slowly learned that joy is a decision. It is a choice whether to find joy in my life or not. My friend Hannah encouraged me to find joy in small things, to really search for things to look forward to. And you know what? It worked. Now, I'm still not joyful always. But I'm striving to be, just like 1 Thessalonians 5:16 calls me to be. 

5. Finally, PRAY. Sounds basic. But believe me, it takes continuous prayer to conquer the unknown. Pray when you're waking up. Pray when you're tempted to join in with the gossip at work. Pray when someone is disrespectful to you. Pray when you have a great day. Pray when you're going to sleep. Even when you don't think you can, have someone pray with you. I cannot tell you the amount of times I've called others crying and had them pray on the phone for me. Allow God to work when you're at your weakest. As I've heard other say - let go and let God.

These are some of the things that got me through the first nine months. And I'm absolute positive that God isn't done working on my heart. But for now, I will continue to work hard, hold on to my loved one, enjoy my hobbies, find joy in my life, and pray that God leads me through it all.


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Southern Baking

Some of our baking creations from the last couple months:

Cinnamon Roll Biscuits
These are amazing - sit down with one of these and a hot cup of coffee. It will change your life.

What is not to love about buttery bread!? They are thick, yummy, and delicious.

Caramelized Onion and Mushroom Biscuits
Fry an egg and put it on one of these. Whoa. That is all.

Peanut Butter Bacon Cookies
We got a little out there with these ones. The combination is more normal than you would think! 

Talk about some southern comfort! 

Shoutout to Michaela, who baked these with me! :)

Northern Living in Nemo

Greetings from my snowed-in apartment in the midst of Snowstorm Nemo!

We are currently at about 24 inches of snow, watching a wedding show, and keeping ourselves busy. This is the perfect time to start this blog! I have lived in New England my whole life. That means that I have lived through hundreds of snowstorms, thousands of overcast days, and many pairs of boots. That covers the first part of the name. 
For the past couple years, I have felt more and more that I was meant to be a southern girl. I would be one happy girl if I could spend my day baking, crocheting [my new hobby thanks to my roommate], and drinking coffee - all around being your standard homemaker. In reality, I work in downtown Boston and fill time in between with my southern comforts. 

There you have it -- Northern Living, Southern Comfort.